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Some answers to your questions…

What does b.w.higgins, inc. insurance search provide?

We will provide confidentiality. You control what, if any information is released.

We can identify opportunities that aren't "on the street."

We service the entirety of the U.S. and understand the regional markets.

We have longstanding operating knowledge of hiring companies. You will be privy to this information.

We can counsel/plan the right moves in your career, to get you where you want to be.

We understand what you do and what your alternatives are according to your present skills.

We will act as a buffer in negotiating a Win-Win compensation package.

Will b.w. higgins, inc. insurance search find me a new position?

We strive to provide alternatives that meet your professional and personal needs, but we should be considered a spoke in the wheel…not an end all, be all to your search.

We will occupy a key position in your "umbrella" of career opportunity tools. Additionally, you should employ the networking of business contacts, companies you've worked for and left in good standing and responding to "advertised" positions that you feel equipped to handle personally.

A position is offered. It's not a career move, but solves a present problem. Should I accept?

No. Rather, make the right career move. A) Making a "bad" move and leaving a short

time later will reflect on and mar your work record B) Future employers will question your decision making ability. C) Employers pay a fee to identify a long-term employee that not only contributes today, but also will in the future. Be fair to yourself and the employer.

What should I know about a counter offer (a competing offer from your present company)?

When presented with an offer, consider it on its' own merits, not as a leverage tool to be used against your present company. If an offer from a new company is made, be prepared to confidentially stand by your decision. If you accept, make it clear to your old company that a counter offer will not be accepted or considered. If you decide against acceptance of the new company's offer, resign yourself to not sharing that information with your present company.


A) If you accept a counter from your present company you've most likely burned the bridge with the new company and hiring authority (and should he make a career move, your action may prove to block your path to his new company too)
B) Your present employer may feel that they had to boost a salary that they had not wished to and begin to question what will happen the next time you force their hand in a similar situation?
C) Although you accepted the counter, your present company may feel your actions of interviewing and initially accepting an offer fly in the face of loyalty and that may stifle future increased career responsibilities.

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